Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to enjoy your holidays!!

I was reading an article that is very needed around the holidays for everyone, as you can tell by the title of this post its about the holidays. It also is about relaxing during them and enjoying being around the people you love. Here are some of the tips that were in the article: Be thankful for everyone that is around you this holiday season, as you are filling your plate during the holidays put the foods on your plate that you have to have and then add some healthy choices, avoid over-eating, laugh about the simple thingsin life, the final tip is to be "present" with where and who you are with. I think that those tips are good ones, but I know that following the not over-eating tip will be hard. In case you were wondering Deborah Olson, RN, MSN Health Promotion consultant gave those wonderul tips in the La Crosse Tribune.

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips, and your right, it is hard to not over eat when there is so much good food to enjoy!
